Make a Delegation to Council

Delegation Request Form


Name of Delegate(s):1  
Name of Group Represented (if applicable)   

Date of Meeting (Delegations are Allotted 10 Minutes to Speak)





Subject Matter:  

Individuals wishing to make a delegation to Council or Committee that fall under the Council or Committee’s mandate, must submit their request and all accompanying documentation in the form prescribed by the Clerk five (5) business days preceding the Meeting. Please see below for Procedural By-Law.

Have you been in contact with a staff member in regard to this matter?  YesNo


If yes, with whom? 

What was the outcome of your discussion?  


Recommendation to Council/Committee: Please indicate below what action you would like Council or Committee to take with respect to your delegation. Use a separate page if more space is required or attach additional documentation.

Contact Information: Please note that this information will be used to contact individuals and/or organizations who have requested to appear as a delegation before Town of Bancroft Council or Committee. The name of the delegate and/or organization will appear on the meeting agenda, which is also posted on the Town’s website.

Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:

Do you require any accessibility accommodation? If yes, what do you require?

Additional Documentation and Presentation Materials

Will you require A/V equipment? If yes, please describe:

Electronic format is preferred for all delegation materials.

If the delegation wishes to have paper materials distributed, twelve (12) copies must be received at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting .  If any additional documentation is brought forward on the date of the meeting, it is to be provided directly to the Clerk, and the Chair will determine if it is to be distributed at the meeting.

Please Direct Any Questions and Return the Completed Delegation Request Form to:

Clerk Department

Town of Bancroft

8 Hastings Heritage Way

PO Box 790

Bancroft, ON, K0L 1C0

[email protected]

(p) 613 332 3331 x 208

(f) 613 332 0384



Delegation Request Acknowledgement

  • I have read and reviewed the Town's current Procedural By-Law, which relates to the Conduct and Guildlines for Delegations; and
  • information contained in the form will be used to contact any person/organization who has requested to appear as a delegation. The name on the delgate and/or orgaization will appear on the meeting agenda, which is also posted on our official social media channels; and
  • Personal information contained on the form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of providing correspondence relating to matters before Council; and
  • all meetings are open to the public except where they are permitted to be closed under legislated authority


I,   ,do hereby acknowledge that I have read and reviewed Section 11 of the Town of Bancroft By-Law to Govern and Regulate the Proceedings of the Corporation of the Town of Bancroft (as attached), which relates directly to Presentations/ Delegations/ Deputions.

On behalf of (group name, if applicable):  



Security Measure



Additional information can be found under the Procedural By-Law 77-2023, and more particularly in Section 11 which discusses delegations.

Members of the Public who attend meetings for a Delegation are expected to speak respectfully, refrain from using offensive language, and speak only when signaled or acknowledged by the Chair. The Mayor of Chair may expel any person for improper conduct at a meeting. 

Individuals wishing to make a delegation to Council or Committee must submit their request and all accompanying documentation in the form prescribed by the Clerk five (5) business days preceding the Meeting.

The Clerk may choose to accept or reject all delectations' request and determine the next available time for that delegation to be heard.


The time allowed for a presentation or delegation shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes, unless requested and approved in advance by the Clerk and the Chair. 

On any given scheduled meeting agenda, there  shall be a maximum of two (2) delegations permitted to speak for a maximum of 30 minutes divided amongst the presenters at the discretion of the Clerk. 

Members shall be permitted a question period for each delegation to a maximum of five (5) minutes. 


Whenever a delegation offers comments or statements that re deemed to be erroneous and unsubstantiated, any Member or Town Official may advise on necessary corrections or provide clarifications. 


During the conduct of any meetings, the use of scented products shall be avoided by Members, Administration, or the public. Members of the public may be asked to leave should their odour be deemed to create a noxious environment for others. 

In general, Council meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of the month, and Committee of the Whole is scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month. There are some exceptions, and the approved schedule of meetings can be found on

[email protected]
8 Hastings Heritage Way, PO Box 790
Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0
(P) 613-332-3331 ext.208
(F) 613-332-0384

Where possible, electronic formats are preferred.